Martin's beautiful face

I'm Martin


I'm a travelling computer scientist and occasional musician.

I'm looking for work! If you or your company are looking for a senior-level engineer, technical lead, or software architect, I'm more than happy to talk about interesting stuff we can create together. I've been in the computing industry for over 10 years and have excellent academic and practical experience.

View my CV

I've worked on technical things in machine learning, NLP, decentralised systems, computer languages, cloud/web technologies, digital privacy, blockchains, and biological computation.

I have a Master of Computer Science from EPFL, one of the world's top 10 universities for computing. I love to wonder about disruptive technologies and I consider state-of-the-art computing papers to be my daily reading.

I led a genetic engineering research group at some point. We programmed living cells to do stuff. If you thought that computers don't like to behave, you probably haven't worked with cells yet.

I also like to compose music for rock, video games, and theatre. I'm currently meditating on writing a Broadway-style show.

Writings - coming soon